

Essential Cookies:
These cookies are necessary for the website to function properly. They enable basic functions like page navigation, adding items to the shopping cart, and accessing secure areas of the website. Without these cookies, the website may not function correctly.

Functional Cookies:
Functional cookies enhance the user experience by remembering choices made by the user, such as language preferences, and providing personalized features. For example, remembering the user's preferred currency or displaying recently viewed items.

Analytical Cookies:
Analytical cookies are used to collect information about how visitors interact with the website. This data helps the website owner understand and analyze the performance of the site, identify areas for improvement, and optimize the user experience. It may include information such as which pages are visited most frequently, how long users spend on the site, and any error messages encountered.

Marketing Cookies:
Marketing cookies are used to track visitors across websites with the intention of displaying relevant and engaging advertisements for the user. These cookies may be set by advertising partners and may collect information about the user's browsing behavior to deliver targeted ads based on their interests.

Third-Party Cookies:
Third-party cookies are set by domains other than the one being visited by the user. They are commonly used for advertising and tracking purposes, such as retargeting ads or social media plugins. These cookies can track the user's browsing activity across multiple websites and may collect personal information for targeted advertising.

Session Cookies:
Session cookies are temporary and are deleted when the user closes their browser. They are used to maintain session information and enable certain website features during a single browsing session.

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